Hi, welcome to the about page.
Name: Bambi aka.Georgia
Pronouns: She/her/They
Occupations: Small Biz Owner, workin in a charity shop
Fav. music: Spotify says 'bubblegum grunge' idk what that means, but really I like everything.
Hello! This is my first time coding a website since 2008. I have no idea what I'm doing so please forgive the mess!
I'm an mid 20s,Irish/Kiwi currently residing in England.
I'm an artist with a previous socail media addiction trying to achieve a dream of living off my art.
Please excuse any mispellings, I am very dylexic haha.

Random Facts
Favourite AC villager: Beau!

Favourite Game ATM: OpenTTD, Rimworld, SSX 3
Favourite Art Medium: Physical collage, tis my bread and butter
Hobbies: I love to craft, sew, decorate and read
Favourite tv series: Our flag means death, flight of the concords, community, glow, buffy the vampire slayer and father ted.

About me

I have no idea how to describe myself but I guess I will have a go...
Hey, my names Bambi (aka.Georgia) and I'm a 20-something Irish/Kiwi gal living in ye old England. I really miss both my homes, but I am stuck here until there are more opportunies in either place.
I'm into a lot of random interests and hobbies. I know a little bit about a lot I guess haha. My main interests at the moment are coding this website, working on my small business and camping. I also like music, animals, horseriding, diy, learning about homesteading and sustainable living and really anything my brain decides to be obbsessed about for a few months haha.
OH! I really love Garfield too! Like idk why he's just like a kool cat,ya know? I don't really know why I love Garfield, I think it started as a joke amoung friends but then turned into actually really loving the character. If you haven't seen Garfields 9 Lives you haven't lived.