Manic Christmas, New offers and Changes to deliveries
Woah! This month has been crazy with orders. Currently the shop is on 640 orders! Mental! Thank you so much!
2024 Etsy Wrapped

366 New Orders!
7087 visits to the shop!
67 new shop followers!
That is crazy!!!
New offers!
Free delivery to orders over £20! This includes international orders too!
Free delivery for UK orders over £5
25% off Halloween and Christmas collections
New EU shipping policy
Due to the upcoming GSPR requirements, I am no longer able to ship to these countries. I'm so sorry to my European and Irish customers. I will still be offering digital downloads to everyone all over the world. If you like my work and it is currently not a digital download, please let me know and I'll happily add it to my shop for you! Thank you!
Coming soon...
valentines day collection 2025
Christmas Designs and new sticker sheets designed for collage artists!
Oh my lord, It's November already! This year is going so fast :0. I have a few lil annoucements to make!
Christmas Collection!
My christmas card and sticker collection is out now! Here is some examples of my designs! I have reworked some of the most popular designs to make them christmasy and cute!

You can also check the rest of the collection out here!
New sticker sheet collection for collage artists!
As I mentioned in my last post, I have a sticker cutting machine now! I have finally worked out all the issues with the machine and I am ready to start selling stickers for collage art! So, I've made some textures and found some cute images to turn into sticker tapes and I've also scanned some of my vintage stamp collection onto my computer and have made them into sticker sheets!

I really hope these will be great tools for artists who want to get into collage or for someone who has never made art before to have a go!
I got a sticker machine!
To celebrate getting 500 orders, I decided to get a sticker cutting machine to upgrade my business and product range! I ended up getting a silhouette cameo 4 plus secound of ebay as
thats what I have seen small business youtubers recomend. Honestly, its not as good as I was expecting. It's got a lot of problems. The machine doesn't see the regestraion marks unless you hold the mat
up, the cut depth is random each time even if I use the same settings and its a pain in the arse in general. I thought maybe these issues were due to the fact it was secound hand, but after
looking online it appears that its common even with brand new machines -_-. I really wish I did some extra research before hand but oh well, I will just keep trying to use this thing.
This is a reminder to myself not to trust anything content creators say even if they are not paid to say the postive things...
Again, thank you to all my supporters, customers and followers!
Check out my Etsy shop
Just hit 500 sales on Etsy!
I am so happy and thankful! Thank you to all the amazing people who have supported me to reach this milestone!
I will be continuing to update my shop further and continue to develop my style and products. My goal for next year is to finally purchase a sticker cutting machine
so I can provide cooler stickers and even some collage elements in stickers to help other collage artists! If you have any ideas or suggestions I'd love to hear them! You can contact me
on my email ( or on Neocities!
Again, thank you to all my supporters, customers and followers!
Check out my Etsy shop
Halloween and Christmas collections on the way!
Hiya! I've been working on this years halloween/christmas collection and I have just creating these new designs! I will have greeting cards and stickers on my Etsy as soon as I can manage haha. Here's a sneak peak!
I hope you all like the designs!