My IPod

Why do I own an Ipod in 2024?
I wanted a way to force my self into getting in the habbit of buying music again. Spotify is awesome for the users, you can find awesome new music and make easily sharable playlists. But... It is awful for the artists. They make very little money from spotify streams and If they are a much smaller artist they barely get any money at all. So now I will buy phyiscal music (Usually comes with a digital download too) or I will buy artists music off bandcamp or their personal websites. Then I put that music onto my Ipod and listen to that on the bus to work or on a trip. I do still use spotify as I am lucky enough that my dad has forgotton to remove me from his family plan haha, but yeah spotify is great for finding new artists and trying out new music before you buy it.

How I upgraded my IPod
I honestly just watched this video, he shows you how to open,fix and upgrade most gens of the classic Ipod. Super helpful. If you can I would defo recomend getting a 5th or 6th gen (5ths are easier to mod and have better sound but are a lil more pricey)