Hiya! Welcome to my mind!

This is a collection of all the stuff thats
happening in my lil world...

Hello! This is my first time coding a website since 2008. I have no idea what I'm doing so please forgive the mess!
I have created this website to showcase my art and have a bit of fun!
Feel free to explore!


Name: Bambi aka.Georgia

Pronouns: She/her/They

Occupations: Small Biz Owner, workin in a charity shop

Fav. music: Spotify says 'bubblegum grunge' idk what that means, but really I like everything.

Hiya! I'm an mid 20s,Irish/Kiwi currently residing in England.

I'm an artist with a previous socail media addiction trying to achieve a dream of living off my art.

Please excuse any mispellings, I am very dylexic haha.